
How did you happen upon this post? Did your phone screen light up with a notification? Did you hop onto your computer with the explicit intent to come directly to this page? Or were you sitting down on your couch, a syndicated episode of Grey’s Anatomy providing background noise as you scrolled aimlessly through your Facebook feed and happened upon a link to this post?

I’m willing to bet it’s the latter.

Oh no no no, please don’t feel as though I’m coming down on you. After all, the pot could never call the kettle black.

As the days of December ticked away in the ending of another 365-day cycle, I found myself in a loop of retrospective thinking. All manner of change was afoot in my life, one of which is moving abroad (see my previous post), and amongst the chaos of knowing my life was about to be turned on its axis, I knew now was the time for a change. No more half-assing, no more pussyfooting, not more “I’ll do it later”. The time was right now.

So I did what any person looking to get ‘er done would do- I made a list.

I won’t bore you with the details of that list, that’s a post for another time, but one of the first things I wanted to accomplish in 2018 was loosen the heavy chains #theApps (Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat) had on my life and, more importantly, my time.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have nearly every imaginable major social website downloaded on every electronic device I own. For the purpose of clarity, that’s about seven apps downloaded on a multitude of devices.

Needless to say, one of #theApps is never more than a fingerprint unlock and, occasionally, a swipe away from being opened, rather I be at home, in the car or out and about. So you have to be asking yourself by now, what in the hell is this man doing that he needs all these apps across so many devices?

The simple answer is absolutely nothing.

Consider this- how many times a day do your fingers auto-pilot to open Instagram, Facebook or any number of the hundreds of existing social apps? How often do you sit down on the toilet and load up Facebook before our pants even hit our ankles? Oh, don’t tell me you haven’t gone out for dinner and found yourself opening Instagram to check who liked your latest post before even picking up the menu?

I’ll be the first to raise my hand.

But do you ever stop to question your actions? Do you ever wonder why you feel compelled to constantly open #theApps, even when you have no true reason to do so? When I finally stopped to actually question my motives, I realized the uncomfortable truth- #theApps had insidiously become a time-consuming codependency.

So, in keeping in the same vein of change, I made the conscious decision to approach social media differently in 2018.

As an inherently social individual, social media has always had a seductive allure to me. The idea that I could communicate with people across cast distances, make friends with complete strangers with smilier interest, and peek into the lives of others without being nosey a guilty pleasure I simply could never deny myself.

But, I’ve realized the amount of time I spend aimlessly scrolling back in time through dozens of half-naked bodies, scenic pics with millennia worthy quotes, and a mind-numbing number of memes indiscriminately double tapping could be better utilized.

Of course, I didn’t decide to simply do away with all social media- going cold turkey on increases the cravings. I did, however, delete #theApps off my main device (with the exception of Twitter and Facebook Pages) in an effort to wean myself off of them. Many of you have likely already noticed my absence from your IG timeline or Snapchat, and it will likely stay that way as I try and navigate the new waters of 2018. Rest assured, my sarcasm and “one drink” Snaps are not gone forever, just for the time being.

I say all that to say this- reclaiming my time back from social media has really helped me gain a focus and clarity of mind I hadn’t been aware I was missing.

I by no means expect you to read this and decide to delete #theApps but, as I step off my soapbox, I implore you to consider how your social media experience is affecting the other areas in your life. How has it affected the way you communicate offline or your ability to give one thing your attention? Conversely, how would not constantly being plugged into social media affect things such as your interactions with others and being in the loop socially?

If you enjoyed this and find yourself needing to pass the time until next Friday, check out #TheApps As Safe Spaces For Lesbians? Tuh… at EFNIKS. Until then, have a safe and great weekend!


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